Xone K2 Traktor Mapping Download
I have a question, I just downloaded this mapping (Great btw), I did one change and I made the high's and high kills my filters since I don't use the hi's mid's and low's. Will change the mids and lows at some point. Anyway, I am wondering if anyone of you guys know of a site/place or company where I may purchase or create a template for the actual controller. Like a sticker decal that shows me my command assignments. Like what I have my knobs, leds, faders and pads below set to. I play live in a couple weeks and personally don't feel to confident that I will have everything memorized by then.
Any info PLEASE email it to me at: Cereal.astral@gmail.com It will be GREATLY appreciated.
Dec 12, 2017 Xone K2 SSL Midi Mapping. OlliC 6:17 PM. Hey everyone, i made a pretty complete mapping for the Xone K2 if anyone is interested. Features: - Transport - Cue Points - Loops - Effects - 4 SP-6 Player Banks - Mode Settings - Uses K2's Latching Layers. I tried it with Traktor Pro and it recognizes it fine, but I would like to make it with Serato.
Xone:K2 – Application Example: Single Setup – External Mixer You can use your K2 to route the output from 2 separate virtual decks, into 2 channels of an external mixer. This means you can use your K2 to control your chosen DJ software and also use the features of an external mixer. Start by connecting your K2 to your PC or Mac with the USB cable provided.
Using a 3.5 millimetre jack to Dual RCA Phono lead, connect the headphone output from your K2 to 1 channel of the mixer. Using a Dual RCA Phono lead, connect the audio out RCA connectors from your K2 to another channel of the mixer. In your chosen software application, set one of your deck outputs to soundcard outputs 1-2, and set the other deck output to soundcard outputs 3-4. ****Traktor Pro (Mac) Setup: From the preferences window in Traktor, click on Audio setup — and select audio device. Choose Xone:K2 from the list. Now set your Output routing.
Make sure your mixing mode is on External, and set deck A and deck B to: Deck A L 1: Front left Deck A R 2: Front Right. Deck B L 3: Front Center Deck B R 4: Low Frequency Effects **** Ableton (Mac) Setup: From the preferences window in Ableton, select Audio — and select Audio Output Device. Choose Xone:K2 from the list.
Now set your Output Config. Make sure 1/2 (stereo) and 3/4 Stereo are enabled. On Channel 1 set the “audio to” section to EXT. On Channel2 set the “audio to” section to EXT. ****Traktor Pro (PC) Setup: From the preferences window in Traktor, click on Audio setup — and select audio device.
Choose Xone:K2 USB ASIO driver from the list. Now set your output routing.
Make sure your mixing mode is on External, and set deck A and deck B to: Deck A L 1: Out 1 Deck A R 2: Out 2 Deck B L 3: Out 3 Deck B R 4: Out 4 **** Ableton (PC) Setup: From the preferences window in Ableton, select Audio — and make sure the driver type is set to ASIO. In the audio device list choose the Xone:K2 USB ASIO driver. Now set your Output Config. Make sure 1/2 (stereo) AND 3/4 Stereo are enabled. On Channel 1 set the “audio to” section to EXT.
On Channel2 set the “audio to” section to EXT. ***** Importing Maps (Traktor Pro): To import the Traktor MIDI map known as a TSI file: In the preferences window in Traktor, select Controller manager. Choose import. Browse to the saved location of the TSI file you wish to load. Select and open it.
In the categories to import window select OK. Make sure that the MIDI device in port and out port are set to Xone:K2 – for both devices in the K2 map. **** Importing Maps (Ableton Live): To import the Ableton MIDI map known as an ALS file: Select Open live set from the file menu.
Browse to the saved location of the ALS file you wish to load. Select and open it.
You will see the layout change according to the ALS file you have chosen. Open the Preferences panel.
Choose MIDI/Sync tab, On the MIDI ports, set the Xone:K2 input track on and remote on. Then set the Xone:K2 output track on and remote on. ****For more detailed information please ensure you read the latest version of Xone:K2 User Guide, available to view and download.