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Auditing Notes For South African Students 8th Edition Free

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When used in conjunction with the Companies Act 2008 and its Regulations 2011, the International Standards on Auditing and the (SAICA) Code of Professional Conduct. Extensive reference is made to these and other pronouncements. The primary reason for the ninth edition is to bring the text right up to date. A number of ISAs have been revised and some changes in the SAICA (and IRBA) Code of Professional Conduct have been made. These changes are not major but needed to be dealt with. With the increase in the number of independent review and compilation engagements which are now being undertaken by practitioners, International Standards of Review Engagements ISRE 2400 – Engagements to Review Financial Statements and International Standards on Related Services ISRS 440 – Compilation Engagements, have taken on new significance. Both of these statements have been revised and re-issued, and are covered in depth in the ninth edition.