Plymouth Massachusetts Starr Program Ma
The Boston Regional STARR Program (Stabilization, Assessment, and Rapid Reintegration) is a 45 day residential program helping to stabilize male youth quickly and assess their needs. The program provides placement guidance to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and clinical recommendations to ensure appropriate placement. The STARR Program provides services for up to 9 males between the ages of 12-17.
The primary goal of the program is to return the youth back to his family and community.
Since 1977, we have been committed to providing programs and services that offer understanding, help, support and hope to those in need. Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) is a non-profit health care and social service agency. We provide a wide range of mental health and substance abuse treatment services to people throughout the communities of Southeastern Massachusetts. All of our substance abuse and mental health programs are licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Department of Mental Health.
Eliot STARR programs provide respite and a period of assessment for children from birth to 18 years of age, who are referred by the Department of Child and. The Boston Regional STARR Program (Stabilization, Assessment, and Rapid Reintegration) is a 45 day residential program helping to stabilize male youth quickly and assess their needs.
Here's a VB.Net Module I use - when this is dropped into a Form's application, together with ALTERED IniFile.vb that I detail above, you can get at your settings from ANY form, at ANY time! Load(fileName, False) End Sub Then you can use code similar to that of ASP.Net's 'session' object: Dim mainSettings = settingsSection( ' MainSettings') Dim userSettings = settingsSection( ' UserSettings') mainSettings( ' ValueOne')=123 userSettings( ' ValueOne')= ' ABC' Debug.Print( ' Value one: ' & mainSettings( ' ValueOne')) Debug.Print( ' Value two: ' & mainSettings( ' ValueTwo')) You can even combine them! Read and write ini file vb net. SettingsSection( ' MainSettings')( ' ValueOne') = 123 settingsSection( ' MainSettings')( ' ValueTwo') = ' ABC' Debug.Print( ' Value one: ' & settingsSection( ' MainSettings')( ' ValueOne')) Debug.Print( ' Value two: ' & settingsSection( ' MainSettings')( ' ValueTwo')) Which I think looks better than: ini.AddSection( ' TEST_SECTION').AddKey( ' Key1').Value = ' Value1'; ini.AddSection( ' TEST_SECTION').AddKey( ' Key2').Value = ' Value2'; Finalllllllly. Public settingsSection As IniFile = Nothing Public Sub New() settingsSection = New IniFile() settingsSection.