Pencapaian Belajar Kelas 3 Sd
Belajar siswa kelas V SD Karitas Ngaglik, Sleman. Penelitian ini. Pada pelajaran matematika; (3) untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas V. 64.40 dengan persentase pencapaian KKM sebesar 57,14%, pada siklus I.
Abstrak This study aimed to analyze the influence of Achievement Model concept to student learning outcomes subjects Civics Class V SDN 03 Continent Kayong Ketapang. Form of experimental research used is Pre-Exsperimen Design with patterns pretest-posttest One Group Design. Data collection techniques used in this study using measurement techniques. Download game pc bus simulator versi indonesia free. Data collection tool used is a test essay totaling 6 about. Samples in this study were all students in grade 03 VA SDN Continent Kayong Ketapang.
Based on the obtained data processing average student learning outcomes before use concept attainment model of 35.86 and an average student learning outcomes after using the model of concept attainment 68.448. The results of hypothesis testing using ANAVA formulas, data (60.800194)> 3.16> 4.99, which means a significant, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.From the explanation of the calculation, this means that there are significant learning model achieving the concept of the learning outcomes of students in civics lesson in class V SD N03 Continent Kayong Ketapang.
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